Che ci crediate o no un gruppo a supporto di Obama ha veramente mandato in onda questo spot in cui ipotetici bambini di un futuro in cui Romney è alla Casa Bianca incolpano i loro genitori per averlo votato e aver fatto diventare l'America un posto dove, tra le altre cose, quanto segue è la normalità:
"Le persone malate semplicemente muoiono".
"Guerre senza fine sulle rive straniere".
"Non c'è bisogno di migliorare le nostre scuole"
"Non c'è bisogno di migliorare le nostre scuole"
"Non abbiamo ucciso tutti gli orsi polari, ma ci abbiamo provato".
"L'atmosfera frigge".
"Trova un parco che sia ancora aperto e respira l'aria avvelenata".
"Siamo i bambini del futuro, è successo qualcosa al nostro paese. Mamma e Papà è colpa vostra!".
Se Romney vincerà le elezioni e nei prossimi anni vi capiterà di fare un giro negli USA non partite senza mascherine, tute antiradiazioni e una buona provvista di armi per difendervi. E non portatevi dietro orsi o altre specie protette, gli spareranno a vista.
Ecco il testo integrale:
Imagine an America
Where strip mines are fun and free
Where gays can be fixed
And sick people just die
And oil fills the sea
Where strip mines are fun and free
Where gays can be fixed
And sick people just die
And oil fills the sea
We don’t have to pay for freeways!
Our schools are good enough
Give us endless wars
On foreign shores
And lots of Chinese stuff
Our schools are good enough
Give us endless wars
On foreign shores
And lots of Chinese stuff
We’re the children of the future
American through and through
But something happened to our country
And we’re kinda blaming you
American through and through
But something happened to our country
And we’re kinda blaming you
We haven’t killed all the polar bears
But it’s not for lack of trying
Big Bird is sacked
The Earth is cracked
And the atmosphere is frying
But it’s not for lack of trying
Big Bird is sacked
The Earth is cracked
And the atmosphere is frying
Congress went home early
They did their best we know
You can’t cut spending
With elections pending
Unless it’s welfare dough
They did their best we know
You can’t cut spending
With elections pending
Unless it’s welfare dough
We’re the children of the future
American through and through
But something happened to our country
And we’re kinda blaming you
American through and through
But something happened to our country
And we’re kinda blaming you
Find a park that is still open
And take a breath of poison air
They foreclosed your place
To build a weapon in space
But you can write off your au pair
And take a breath of poison air
They foreclosed your place
To build a weapon in space
But you can write off your au pair
It’s a little awkward to tell you
But you left us holding the bag
When we look around
The place is all dumbed down
And the long term’s kind of a drag
But you left us holding the bag
When we look around
The place is all dumbed down
And the long term’s kind of a drag
We’re the children of the future
American through and through
But something happened to our country
And yeah, we’re blaming you
American through and through
But something happened to our country
And yeah, we’re blaming you
You did your best
You failed the test
You failed the test
Mom and Dad
We’re blaming you!
We’re blaming you!
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